Monday, June 26, 2023

Day 6 Matthew

Today, we woke up bright and early to go to an assembly that the children were participating in. We got there a little early, so we got to see all of the children running up to get in line. After the assembly, we came back to Karibu house and had some delicious breakfast of eggs and toast. After breakfast everyone got ready for the day. Around 10:00 we left Karibu house to go participate in getting ready for sports day. There were four teams, the leopards, tigers, cheetahs, and jaguars. All the group members were evenly distributed throughout the teams to help cheer on and hype up the members of the team. Today, the teams were practicing for all the events they were going to do. There was a wide range of events, coming from the three legged race and babies crawling around blindfolded, to 100 and 200 meter dashes, and a massive soccer match. All the teams also practiced cheers that they would do on sports day. After preparing for sports day, we had a very tasty lunch of pea stew and bread. After lunch, and after a bit of quiet time, we went back to the kids to play more. While John and Walter played soccer with the kids, I showed some of them some magic tricks, next to Meryt, Katherine, and Charlotte who were telling the kids riddles. After magic, Walter, Thorne, Gloria, Mike, John and I played a fun game of volleyball with the kids. After volleyball came dinner, which consisted of spaghetti, meatballs, and cabbage. Once dinner was over we went to evening devotion, with singing and prayers from the kids. After devotion, we went back to the house and relaxed. Some of us went to the annex and played twister and talked about film and books. When that was over, we came back to Karibu house for some girl talk and bed.

Today proved how happy the kids are to be here, and how much they value their education. I noticed that on sports day which is a day specifically made to have fun after working hard for a full semester. The main thing I noticed, was the expressions on the kids faces. The kids expressions were the same on a day only for fun, and in the classrooms. The kids love learning new things, being in classrooms, and bettering themselves, which is something I'm not used to back in the states. It's really cool to see that, and it's clear with these youth, that Nambale, Kenya, and the world has a bright future ahead of it.

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