Sunday, June 23, 2024

Day Five—Henry

When we arrived at 10:00 at Food for People (a food bank) I wasn't sure of what to expect to see inside. When we went in it looked a grocery store. But it wasn't long before Julie, the volunteer coordinator, took us to the back, a magical place with tall ceilings, walk-in freezers, and blue and yellow shelves stacked with food all over the walls.
Basically Costco.

We worked on what can be considered an assembly line, we moved bags down a table, and filled them with food. Once the bags got to the end of the line we'd put two of them in a box. Once this was over they'd ship the boxes to vulnerable families across Humboldt County.
After an hour or 2 (with My Sweet Lord by George Harrison stuck in my head) we took a break to get lunch at what seemed to be a locally taken-over Whole Foods. Then it was back to work.

We finished working at 2:30 (14:30) and drove to Trinidad Beach. I climbed a pretty big rock and took some sweet photos with my digital camera, and after nearly (intentionally) leaving Jude behind, we took a scenic drive home.

I did some math, and we worked on, at a minimum, 500 bags! Quite a lot, of course that won't feed everyone, forever, but it still helps.

It felt really good to work at the food bank, helpin' people and all. And even though I was physically exhausted, I was pretty energized by it.

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