Monday, June 27, 2016

Day Six: Bayard

As we learned yesterday, Sundays at the Nambale Magnet School differ from usual school to a day centered around rest, worship, and chores. Our day started with Duncan and Maddie making eggs and toast for the group, (in the process using twenty-five eggs) and then went into the Nambale church service. The service centered around clapping and singing songs, led by an 8th grade student named Alpha. Mike had an excellent sermon about spreading the love of God, and James followed with a lesson of Saul. The girl P7s and P8s then presented a song about loving God. Kristin ended the worship with a prayer followed by the Lord's prayer. After church the students did their chores, cleaning up the school and doing laundry. Me and my brother were given the chore of cleaning the guest house and the dishes. After the chores we spent the time in relaxing in the Karibu (guest) house. During our lazy afternoon the girls got their cornrows rebraided. Later Michael, Riley, and Ginny went to Nambale town. They didn't find a lot to buy, but instead found a crowd of people wanting to have their photos taken, one who wanted Michael to take his photo back to America. Joey and I went to play volleyball with the students later in the afternoon, a legendary experience. Our night ended with a second spirited game of Oh Heck (which gave birth to a slew of Scottish accents), and was eventually won by Joey and Virginia. The end of the day was what any Sunday should be: a day of relaxation, worship, and preparation of the week.

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